Senior Insurance Agency
Senior Choices in Medicare
If you’re just starting your Medicare journey, use our Q&A page to walk you through what to do based on your current situation.

There are many plans to choose from, but all plans fall into one of two types.
Medicare with a Medicare supplement and Medicare Part D RX plan.
Assign your Medicare benefits to a Medicare Advantage HMO or PPO plan
Decide which type you’d prefer to lower your Medicare out-of-pocket costs

Medicare Pays First
You add:
Medicare Supplement Plan
& Medicare Part D Rx Plan

Join Medicare Advantage
Most plans include Part D Rx
Premiums vary by plan and age
Separate Part D Rx plan & premium
Government funding on RX only
Little or no cost for medical care
Choose any Medicare provider in the USA
Dental & Vision separate
Typically little or none included
Is it worth paying premiums to see any Medicare provider in the USA and have very little health care cost?
Is there a Premium?
What about Rx Coverage?
How can the premium be $0?
How much do I pay for care?
Are there provider restrictions?
What about Dental & Vision?
What’s with all the free stuff I hear about on TV?
How do I decide which plan is for me?
Ask yourself:
Most plans have $0 premiums
Most plans include part D Rx
Government funded plans
Copayments for hospital medical care {Learn More}
Network providers
Dental & Vision included with some plans
Gym, Transportation, OTC Allowance, and more on some plans
Are $0 premiums and extra benefits enough to limit providers’ choice and allow the plan to direct your care?
Is there a Premium?
What about Rx Coverage?
How can the premium be $0?
How much do I pay for care?
Are there provider restrictions?
What about Dental & Vision?
What’s with all the free stuff I hear about on TV?
How do I decide which plan is for me?
Ask yourself:
Premiums vary by plan and age
Separate Part D Rx plan & premium
Government funding on RX only
Little or no cost for medical care
Choose any Medicare provider in the USA
Dental & Vision separate
Typically little or none included
Is it worth paying premiums to see any Medicare provider in the USA and have very little health care cost?
Most plans have $0 premiums
Most plans include part D Rx
Government funded plans
Copayments for hospital medical care {Learn More}
Network providers
Dental & Vision included with some plans
Gym, Transportation, OTC Allowance, and more on some plans
Are $0 premiums and extra benefits enough to limit providers’ choice and allow the plan to direct your care?
Download our brochure to help understand your choices.
Choosing a Medigap Policy?
Plans have letter designations, so every plan with every insurance company is the same. All plans pay some or all of Medicare’s part B 20% cost share. Plan G is the most popular plan. Once you’ve met Medicare’s annual deductible, $226 in 2023, it pays 100% of the balance owed (After Medicare).
Drug coverage (Part D)
How to get drug coverage
There are two 2 ways to get Medicare prescription drug coverage–either through adding a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D), or joining a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) such as an HMO or PPO that includes Medicare prescription drug coverage.
When can I join a health or drug plan?
Find out when you can sign up for or change your Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) or Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D).
Costs for Medicare drug coverage
Learn about the types of costs in a Medicare drug plan.
Still needing more information? Find what you are looking for with one of these helpful websites.
Get Answer
PLEASE NOTE: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact the official Medicare Website or 1–800–MEDICARE to get information on all of your options. We will refer you to any plan we do not offer should it better meet your needs.